05 April 2022 Corry Station Instructors Reflect on COVID-19, Then and Now PENSACOLA, Fla. - Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Corry Station reflects on COVID-19 “Then and Now” in response to the regions reduction in COVID-19 mask and medical screening protocols, March 2022...
15 December 2021 Navy Starts Administrative Separations for COVID-19 Vaccine Refusers WASHINGTON - The Navy issued guidance to commanders to move forward with administrative separations for service members continuing to refuse the COVID-19 vaccination, while leaving the door open for those who change their minds...
15 November 2021 Navy Updates Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccine Refusal The Navy issued follow-on guidance to commands for service members who refuse to comply with the service's order mandating all active-duty and reserve members be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in NAVADMIN 256/21, released on Nov. 15...
28 July 2021 Navy Announces Fiscal Year 21 Special Leave Accrual Sailors unable to take leave due to COVID-19 restrictions now have extra time to use their leave...
26 May 2021 Navy Administers One Million Vaccines since the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic FALLS CHURCH, Va. - As of May 26, 2021, Navy Medicine providers have administered more than 1,000,000 COVID-19 vaccines to Sailors, Marines, DoD civilians and beneficiaries at 65 medical and 13 operational Navy sites around the world. Over half of active-duty Navy personnel have been fully immunized...
22 May 2021 Navy Resumes Regular Urinalysis Operations The Navy has resumed regular urinalysis testing with the release of NAVADMIN 100/21 on May 21, which cancels the temporary policy allowing for the suspension of collection operations to mitigate Sailor exposure during the COVID-19 pandemic...
20 May 2021 USFFC Fleet Vaccination Cell: ‘Vaccines Readily Available, Still Extremely Important’ NORFOLK, Va. - U.S. Fleet Forces Command’s Fleet Vaccination Cell (FVC) announced this week that the current availability of vaccines at military treatment facilities (MTF) is in the thousands, and they are still urging unvaccinated Sailors to take advantage of increased availability...
19 May 2021 NAVWAR Fusion Cell Identifies Lessons Learned for Future Fleet Readiness SAN DIEGO - The Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWAR) Fleet Readiness Directorate (FRD) concluded its Fusion Cell initiative April 30, successfully delivering more than a year of actionable data for increased agility and improved decision-making in response to the 2019 novel coronavirus...
26 April 2021 West Coast Seabees Building Immunities to Fight COVID-19 PORT HUENEME, Calif. – As of April 19, 2021, all Department of Defense-eligible and authorized adults are now able to make an appointment to receive a COVID-19 vaccine at their local Military Treatment Facility (MTF). However, some still wrestle with the decision on whether to receive their vaccine...
13 April 2021 Seabee Detachment Fort Leonard Wood Upholds Military Instruction Despite COVID-19 FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. -- Navy Military Training Instructors (NMTI) at Center for Seabees and Facilities Engineering (CSFE) Detachment Fort Leonard Wood continue to provide professional military instruction to ensure its graduates are ready to join the fleet despite the challenges posed by the...