20 February 2023 Norfolk Naval Shipyard Breaks Ground on $300 Million in SIOP Renovation NORFOLK, Va. - On Feb. 15 Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) broke ground to welcome a renewed period of naval shore construction and celebrate multiple projects which will renovate and modernize its historic Dry Dock 8 and adjacent berths...
20 January 2023 Our Yard History: Unsung Heroes of Public Works Maintenance PORTSMOUTH, Va. - Unsung heroes; the men of Public Works past are whom we honor. Those men who kept our facilities functioning within this complex performance of basic shipyard facility support are the true backstage hands that the waterfront audience never really saw yet for brief public...
21 November 2022 Navy Cuts Ribbon For New Facilities Onboard Norfolk Naval Shipyard PORTSMOUTH, Va. – Navy leadership celebrated two new additions to Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) with a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Navy’s newest barge, Auxiliary Personnel Lighter (APL) 68 as well as a new self-service Navy Exchange (NEX) Micro Mart, Nov. 21...
14 April 2022 NNSY Members Support NAVSEA’s Newest Inclusion and Engagement Council PORTSMOUTH, Va. - In October 2019, Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) launched the NAVSEA Inclusion and Engagement Council with 28 inaugural members selected from across the NAVSEA enterprise. Its mission was to advise and assist NAVSEA to recruit, retain, recognize achievement, and professionally...
05 November 2021 Norfolk Naval Shipyard Returns USS Pasadena to the Fleet PORTSMOUTH, Va. - USS Pasadena (SSN 752) returned to the fleet Oct. 31 following successful completion of its Drydocking Selected Restricted Availability (DSRA) at Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY)...
29 October 2021 Eye on Innovation: New Submerged Arc Welder Machine Boosts Efficiency at Norfolk Naval Shipyard PORTSMOUTH, Va. - Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) recently added a valuable tool to its arsenal of equipment, a new Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) Submerged Arc Welder (SAW). This machine was delivered to the Welding Shop (Shop 26) ready for action and brings with it new capabilities to the...
22 July 2021 MARMC DEIs Assist NNSY with USS San Francisco Diesel Testing NORFOLK, Va. - Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center's Diesel Engine Inspectors assist Norfolk Navy Shipyard Diesel Shop with completing diesel generator testing for the USS San Francisco (SSN 711) Moored Training Ship (MTS) Conversion Project...