07 January 2022 RLSO Southeast Scores First Place in Three Categories at MWR Race JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - On Dec. 10, 2021, 10 members of the JAG Community's Region Legal Service Office (RLSO) Southeast team participated in a group fitness training event – a local 5K race. Three earned first place medals for their respective division and age categories...
24 November 2021 Navy Announces Single CY22 Fitness Cycle, Updates 2021’s Admin Details Navy personnel officials announced plans for a single fitness test cycle in calendar year 2022 and mandated unit-level tracking of 2021 fitness data on Nov. 24 in NAVADMIN 264/21...
17 June 2021 Navy’s 2021 PFA Cycle Window Starts July 1 –Updates You Need to Know Navy personnel officials confirmed the resumption of fitness testing while releasing additional guidance and program updates June 16 in NAVADMIN 129/21. The service has not conducted an official PFA cycle since 2019, excusing both 2020 cycles to mitigate Sailor exposure to the COVID-19 virus...
18 November 2020 The Navy’s New Fitness Test Is Here: What You Need to Know The Navy will hold a single, six-month physical fitness assessment cycle during calendar year 2021, allowing the service to resume fitness testing while limiting Sailor exposure to COVID-19. That cycle will also see the Navy rollout the forearm plank, which as a replacement the curl-up, and the...