25 April 2024 Navy Research & Development Leaders Convene Summit at NPS Senior leaders from the Naval Research and Development Establishment (NR&DE) gathered at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) to discuss strategic priorities, STEM workforce needs and accelerating innovation during the NR&DE Summit, April 23-24...
24 April 2024 NPS Researchers Recognized for Modeling Integrated Deterrence in INDOPACOM Region MONTEREY, Calif. — In recognition of their efforts to advance future force design and the next-generation Joint Warfighting Concept, several researchers from the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) were recently honored with the U.S. Navy’s Civilian Service Commendation Medal for the...
27 April 2022 NPS Applies System Engineering to Bolster Marine Corps Reserves Education System MONTEREY, Calif. - As Great Power Competition intensifies, the United States Marine Corps is increasingly being called upon as the nation’s premier expeditionary force. Critical to its success is the strength of its Reserve component, and the ability to augment active duty USMC forces with trained...
07 April 2022 NPS Faculty Recognized for Interdisciplinary Work with Annual Hamming Award MONTEREY, Calif. - The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) recognized two outstanding faculty members for interdisciplinary scholarship with the presentation of the 2022 Richard W. Hamming Faculty Award for Interdisciplinary Achievement...
28 March 2022 NPS Professor, Students Issued Provisional Patent for Liquid Air Energy Storage, Recovery System MONTEREY, Calif. - Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Department of Systems Engineering Assistant Professor Tony Pollman, along with university graduates U.S. Navy Lts. Nicholas Bailey and Christopher Girouard, were issued a provisional patent by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Feb. 10, for a...
19 February 2021 Intuitive, NPS-Developed Behavior Analysis Tool Now Accessible to the Public From drone communication to supply chain optimization, the web-based behavior modeling tool Monterey Phoenix (MP) Firebird, developed at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), is a specification language and software that is useful in analyzing emerging systems behavior and can be applied in almost...
12 February 2021 Systems Engineering Capstone Competition Develops Real Solutions to Real Challenges The Naval Postgraduate School’s (NPS) Systems Engineering Management (SEM) programs held their latest Outstanding Capstone Project Award competition, with four teams of students developing challenging solutions to real-world problems in their efforts to take top honors...