25 April 2024 Navy Research & Development Leaders Convene Summit at NPS Senior leaders from the Naval Research and Development Establishment (NR&DE) gathered at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) to discuss strategic priorities, STEM workforce needs and accelerating innovation during the NR&DE Summit, April 23-24...
24 April 2024 NPS Researchers Recognized for Modeling Integrated Deterrence in INDOPACOM Region MONTEREY, Calif. — In recognition of their efforts to advance future force design and the next-generation Joint Warfighting Concept, several researchers from the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) were recently honored with the U.S. Navy’s Civilian Service Commendation Medal for the...
22 October 2021 Former Colombian CNO and NPS Grad Returns to Monterey MONTEREY, Calif. - In the Fall of 1981, a young Colombian naval officer arrived in Monterey, Calif. to begin his studies at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS). Exactly 40 years and an absolutely stellar career later, retired Adm. Guillermo Barrera had the opportunity to return to the esteemed...
30 September 2021 U.S. Pacific Fleet hosts CFMCC course PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii - The U.S. Naval War College and Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet co-hosted the 2021 Combined Force Maritime Component Commander (CFMCC) Flag Officer Course Sept. 23-29 in Pearl Harbor...
08 July 2021 Warfare Center Employees Afforded Unique NAVSEA Opportunity Through Bundy Scholar Program A 10-month master’s degree program that offers Naval Sea System Command (NAVSEA) warfare center employees a better U.S. Navy operational perspective is being offered by NAVSEA at the U.S. Naval War College (NWC) in Newport, Rhode Island...
08 July 2021 U.S. Naval War College Celebrates Early June 2021 Graduations The U.S. Naval War College (NWC) celebrated early June 2021 in-residence graduations on June 11 with virtual ceremonies for 404 students in the senior level leadership and intermediate level leadership courses, including 90 international students representing 59 countries...
08 July 2021 U.S. Naval War College Celebrates College of Distance Education Graduation The U.S. Naval War College (NWC) celebrated NWC’s College of Distance Education (CDE) graduation on June 24 with a virtual ceremony for 612 students...
26 May 2021 Commander, Naval Forces Europe and Commander, Naval Forces North Conduct Wargame at U.S. Naval War College NEWPORT, R.I. - More than 75 representatives from 12 U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps commands took part in a U.S. Naval War College-hosted war game focused on maritime command and control in the Atlantic in a plausible crisis scenario, May 10-14. The Trans-Atlantic Maritime Command and Control...
26 May 2021 U.S. Naval War College Hosts Newport Arctic Scholars Initiative Conference NEWPORT, R.I. - The U.S. Naval War College hosted a virtual Newport Arctic Scholars Initiative (NASI) conference April 28-29 to discuss new frameworks on Arctic cooperation and to further strengthen global maritime partnerships in the Arctic...
26 May 2021 U.S. Naval War College Hits Milestone Completing 200th Maritime Staff Operations Course NEWPORT, R.I. - The Naval War College's College of Maritime Operational Warfare celebrated a milestone completing their 200th Maritime Staff Operations Course (MSOC) on May 7...