20 December 2022 New Boot Design and NWU Fleece Wear Rules Announced in Extensive Uniform Update ARLINGTON, Va. - A new boot option for Sailors is expected to be available in Navy Exchange Uniform Shops as soon as January, according to an extensive uniform update released in NAVADMIN 285/22 . The update also announces seven uniform policy improvements while introducing details of five...
27 May 2022 Navy Mandates CWP Black Rank Tab Wear -- Here are the details The Navy is mandating wear of the Cold Weather Parka rank insignia on all uniforms with rank tabs effective on Oct. 1, as announced in the uniform update NAVADMIN 124/22 released May 27. Also updated were policies for required female uniform items and grooming standards for retirees while wearing...
31 August 2021 Navy Updates Hairstyles and Policies in Extensive Uniform Update The Navy has authorized new hairstyles for men and women in a just-released uniform policy and grooming standards update. Also announced are changes to wear rules for watches, prescription glasses and sunglasses while in uniform, medically prescribed head coverings and earrings for men in civvies...
01 April 2021 Rewording of Navy Uniform Regs — Here's Why WASHINGTON - The Navy has released the first of a series of uniform policy changes expected to enhance clarity, interpretation and application of service uniform policies on the deckplates...