10 May 2024 NRL Selected to Lead Critical Science Mission on Wildfires and Smoke NLR meteorologist, David A. Peterson, Ph.D., has been selected by NASA to lead the PYRocumulonimbus (pyroCb) EXperiment (PYREX) -- a large airborne-based field campaign aimed at studying the role that pyroCb activity plays in the warming climate system and understanding its physical links to extreme...
22 May 2023 Extra Credit: Design Challenge Recognizes Students For Innovative Climate Change Solutions MONTEREY, Calif. -- A total of 75 students representing 20 science classes and robotics teams from Monterey County high schools competed in the second annual Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Rapid Innovation Design Challenge, offering real-world local solutions to a national security imperative and...
28 April 2023 NPS, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability Team Up for Department of the Navy’s Latest Climate Tabletop Exercise MONTEREY, Calif. - The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) hosted the second Department of the Navy (DON) Climate Tabletop Exercise (DON Climate Action II) in partnership with the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, April 27-28...
20 July 2022 NPS Researchers Explore the Impact of Sea Ice Change in Bering Sea MONTEREY, Calif. - The Bering Sea is the most productive ground fishery in the world, particularly for salmon, halibut and shellfish. About half of U.S. fish and shellfish come from that area and the fishing industry is the main driver of jobs in and around the Aleutian Islands. The freezing and...
06 July 2022 NPS Researchers Leave a Lasting Legacy in Climate Analysis and Prediction MONTEREY, Calif. - The analysis of global patterns can help scientists develop predictions about the conditions a specific region might experience in the coming weeks, months or years. One method they do this is by looking for precursor conditions in the ocean and atmosphere that might be indicators...
22 April 2021 NPS Establishes Climate and Security Network for Research Collaboration, Accessibility MONTEREY , Calif. - On January 27, President Joe Biden signed an executive order to tackle climate challenges at home and abroad, which both elevates and frames climate concerns within a national security perspective. Responding swiftly, the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) launched the Climate and...
01 April 2021 All Navy Commands to Conduct Climate Surveys – Here’s Why Every command in the military, both active and reserve, will immediately conduct a Defense Organizational Climate Survey (DEOCS), to assess compliance with Sexual Assault and Harassment prevention policies and enforcement at the unit level...