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LITTLE FALLS, Minn. - (Feb. 20, 2021) Navy Diver 3rd Class Aiden Lockard, assigned to Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit (MDSU) 2, prepares to leave the surface during ice dive training at a frozen lake on Camp Ripley in Little Falls, Minn. The training hosted by MDSU 2, is in its third iteration and has become more relevant, showcasing how Navy divers are assisting in building a more capable arctic naval force. MDSU 2, based out of Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek - Fort Story, is a combat ready expeditionary force capable of deploying worldwide in support of all diving and salvage operations. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Jeff Atherton/Released)

VIRIN: 210220-N-AP176-1165.JPG
Photo by: Chief Mass Communication Specialist Jeff Atherton
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Resolution: 1000x536
Size: 0.22 MB
Location: LITTLE FALLS, Minn.

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