Official websites use .mil
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A trademark is generally any word, name, phrase, symbol, or design, or any combination thereof, that identifies and distinguishes the source of the good of one party from those of others.
A service mark is the same as a trademark, except that it identifies and distinguishes the source of services rather than goods. Trademark and service mark rights arise from the use of the marks regardless of whether or not the marks are registered. The Department of the Navy owns and controls both registered and unregistered (“common law”) trademarks. While it is not an exhaustive list, the Navy Brand Guide contains just a few examples of Navy trademarks.
Many products will be considered for a license provided they meet the requirements found in the application considerations section. The Navy reserves the right to approve or reject any proposed use.
Permission is required before using the Navy’s trademarks in connection with any commercial or non-profit activities.
Anyone interested in using the Navy name or trademarks for any purpose must secure approval before using.
First and foremost thank you for your service to our country. The Department of the Navy works closely with our Navy veterans and supports small business ventures. Please download our application and follow the steps listed in the application process, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We routinely grant one-time, non-commercial use approvals. Please contact our office so we can assist you.
You can download your application.
The U.S. Navy has partnered with JPatton to provide all labeling requirements, artwork approvals, and graphics. JPatton is the Navy's contracted vendor for holographic trademark products. All licensees are required to display these labels on their products via a hangtag or a sticker.
No. Such uses of Navy trademarks would inevitably imply endorsement and thus are prohibited.
No. Even though the company has a contract with the Navy, the company may not use Navy trademarks in its business or marketing materials. This would create the impression that the company or its products are endorsed by the Navy. The company may refer to the fact that it does business with the Navy, provided it does so in a manner that is accurate and does not imply that it has been endorsed by the Navy.
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Licenses typically are for a limited duration (2 or 3 years on average) any may be renewed upon the licensee’s request and at the sole discretion of the Navy. The Navy reserves the right to terminate a license prior to its expiration date if the licensee fails to comply with the terms of the license agreement. You can download a renewal application.
The U.S. Department of the Navy Trademark Licensing Program was established to enhance the image and reputation of the Navy, strengthen the Navy’s trademark rights, extend and protect the Navy brand while stimulating recruiting and retention, and, after covering its operational expenses, to support Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) activities from royalties received from the sale of licensed products under 10 U.S.C. § 2260. MWR is a quality-of-life program that directly supports readiness by providing a variety of community and family support programs, activities and services, such as social, fitness, recreational, educational, and other programs and activities that enhance community life, foster unit readiness, promote mental and physical fitness, and generally provide a working and living environment that attracts and retains active duty members, their family members, retirees and its civilian workforce.
For use of any of the Blue Angels logos and emblems, please contact Joel Bouvé, at (361) 961-3510/1839 or for more information.
You must have a license agreement in order to sell products to commands.
The Pentagon discontinued sending letters out several years ago. You must apply for a license if you intend on selling any products with any of the Navy trademarks or insignia.
You cannot use any logos or any properties of the United States Navy. This would be considered endorsement and is not permitted under the DoD guidelines.
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For additional information or to report unauthorized use please contact the Trademark Licensing Program Office:
Department of the Navy Office of Naval Research Office of Counsel 875 N. Randolph Street Suite W515A Arlington, VA 22203
(703) 696-4002
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